First & foremost, Happy belated 46th Birthday to my dad! Hehs! (:
It has been days since his birthday yet only now then i have the time to wish it down here. Gosh!
My boyfriend. My lover. My sweetheart. The dearest one whom i'll keep dearly close to my heart. The one who is always there to hear me out, be it whereever and whenever. The closest buddy who knows me in and out. The one whom i'll never fail to wait by the door each time when he's near to home. The hand ill never forget to kiss as a form of respect and love. The one whom i'd lie down beside with and talk all things out throughout the night. The cuddle whom i'll yearn for each night and the advises whom ill never get tired listening from.Thanks for always believing in me. Thanks for the support that u have given in me. It's truly a blessing to have you as a father. I love you. And i really do.
Semestral Exams in days time. Starting from Monday onwards and will only ends on the following week. After which, a holiday that is. Somehow or rather, it seems that this holiday is gonna be packed with loads of thing. Outings which consist of several meet ups. Definitely i can't wait for it to come. Anticipating it dearly! Woohoo! (: I wanna visit Bartley Sec. I'm missing that school to the very bits of pieces. A place where i learnt what true patience is. Hahs! Imagine, liking a person for five freaking years silently? LOL! okay, old story. Hehs (: But I'm glad that the friendship between me and him is still as strong as ever. Gosh! I'm sure you know who you are and i'm sure u're reading this! You takecare okay! And be happy always hehs! All blessings with you, you dearest one! *Flying Hugs!* Hahs!
(Okay, lame!)
Talking about Bartley Sec, I miss my 4e2 sweethearts! Hmph! When are we gonna meet up, darlings? Hmm.
Some may ask, why do i suddenly raved about the past. Well, if you were to be my avid reader ever since the blog before this, you'd know that my likings towards that past crush was crazy. So crazy that i now couldnt imagine myself to be acting that passionately now. Hoho! Girlfriends should definitely agree on this. And that was the period where i was confused. Terribly confused between two. Relationship and Friendship.
Good thing that all have ended. None of them remained. The heart became peaceful and calm, cleaned from those massive mess. Alhamdulillah (:
Some days ago, I was asked by a dearest new friend to rant about relationships. My view and all. In the past, ive always think that it's not wrong for students at young age to involve in that kind of ties, despite how my parents and teachers used to really bound me from getting into it. Well, i still remember how my form teacher and both my parents really insist me of breaking up with the old flame. But i was too stringently stubborn to obey and ended up leading myself in a state where studies wasnt my top priority, leading me to a downfall in the first olevel intake. Serve me great damn right! (:
Regret then clouded around me. But it all had happened. All i could do is to just take them as a learning point for the upcoming challenges that will be held to me.
Well, what's now? I'm not in the mood to be tied down by any unofficial ties. Hahs. What do i mean by unofficial? Well, it's the relationship that you always heard. To me, the chances of seperating and be back to strangers are highly up. Even though, i'm a risk taker, but not in the game of hearts. I'm afraid that i'd just break down and stupidity would overcome both my emotions and mentality. Worst stage if physically sufferings were to also get involved. Gosh, i rather stay away from those anguish and get my life be as straight as now.

No doubt, i have eyes on people. And it's quite confusing if the heart couldnt really communicate that well with the mind. The battle of the heart and mind. Sounds familiar. A phrase which i loved to rant about some years back then. Thus, unfortunately, i'm currently hit by the same kind of problem which i used to face before. Gosh! What the heck! I never like this to happen. And never hope that this kind of thing would ever stumble upon me ever again. But i guess, it's out of my control.
Pelik. Of all many people, kenapa dorang juga yang dapat melekat kat hati akak?
The heart says this but the mind says that.
Told someone this....
I rather use the mind than the heart. For the mind can slowly overcome the needness of the heart. Everything is in the mind, remember?
I've gotten the answer.
It'll soon be gone, i believe. And if that day does come, please remember something. This world, where everything seems UNCERTAIN, only one thing is DEFINITE. You'll always be my FRIEND, beyond WORDS, beyong TIME and beyond DISTANCE.
Okay, enough of that. By the way...................................
I was on the cam with this dear Friend of mine last night. Till about in the wee hours. He's like the Faithful companion who would stay with me throughout the night and listen to my nonsence. Oh wait, perhaps its more to me listening to his nonsence! Hahs (: Then, i came across something so cute. I won't say it's hilarious but prolly it's more to...... hmm, sweetness? Hahs! Okay, shun that away. Editted it abit to beautify the pic. Hehs =)
p/s: i bet you've already have someone else in ur life. Till then, i shall take a step back and wish you an adieu (:
Cause, i dont think the question you posed that night was random. No ordinary, i believe.
Something to think about. A conversation between me and MRrafi ((:
Stop me. Prevent me. Block my way. Labels: Time Checked: 09:56 AM