Under one roof, we all became one. The bond grows and blossom, united as a family. As another day comes, our concern for each other will uprise. With that, I'm sure the day that we have to go apart will become a phenomenon tragedy. I'm already missing them, my very EC0909! (:
Overnight the whole of 3 days 2 night event. Chatted with the guys about all things. They're the best talking companions, really. Ben and Gary were telling me about the difference between being Protective and being Possessive.
Protective - They don't hinder us from doing what we want. Instead they'll support us from behind. At the same time, they will have their eyes on us, protecting us from afar. Each time when we need them, there will never be a time when they say No. In a nutshell, they will try their best to leave everything and come to our rescue.Possessive - They'll stop us from doing what we want. Afraid something bad might happen. Yea, they're being concern, because they love us. But will not be there for us. They only want us for their own. Is never really there to protect or come to our rescue when we need them the most. Basically, friends are much more important to them.Gosh! Don't ask me to fall in love any time sooner. I donwanna fall in the hand of someone who's irresponsible of my being! Actually, if i were to be in a relationship, i doubt i'd even overnight there. What's more sharing the room with the guys, hehs. Fortunately, im single. Hoho! (If Ayah were to find this out, i rather kill myself now! Gulps)
First night was the night of horror movie. Everyone gathered at the living room and yes, i shouted the most. I wonder where has my bravery side gone to. I'm becoming more timid by the day. BUT, that dosent mean im afraid of the dark. Darkness is my forte yaw! (:
Bbq-ing was on the second night. Both Ady and Kai brought their girlfriend along. The couples of the BBQ night, hehs. Effing sweet! I brought SISkaseh by myside.
She's the boyfriend, shes the girlfriend! Hahs. Photo Gatherings were taken using both Jeya and Loksang's digicam. Ill post them once i recieved it from them! Nicey!
Pasir ris beach during night time was superb. Sidetracked myself from the chalet and walked alone by the seaside. Wanted a peace of mind. Sat on the rock with many things jumbled everywhere up there in the mind. They were colourful. Also, they were black and whites. Like a movie without sound, they manoeuvred in my head. After which about 20 min later, i went back to the chalet before we, the malay group headed Ehub.
Initially wanted to roll the ball. However, we changed our mind and hit the cinema instead. Ghosts of girlfriends past. I love that story, can i?
Ouh yes, I hate flirtatious guys, mind that! (: Anytime sooner, i shall forget all about you. Period!The people who went :
Ady & Izyan
Syahmeer, Helmi & Hasif
Kaseh & myself.
Sent both Kaseh and Izyan to the bus stop right after the movie which ended at about 1130pm. We then walked back to the chalet before Hasif bid us goodbye.
I wasn't in the right mood that night. Slept after the last sms i sent to someone. Didnt get to stay throughout the night. Perhaps because........ nevermind.
I don think you'd even care, will you?The next morning, the moment i woke up, the first thing that came to mind was... "Shit! I'm dead!" Straight away sms-ed Bigbrother izwan about it. Thanks bigbrother for entertaining me! Hehs. Never thought it'd be that early! Gosh!
Why that early? Aiyea! Well, forget it.
p/s: The night wasnt that good. Didnt have a very good sleep. Rmbr, i wasnt feeling all great before i went to sleep?
So yea, thats the answer to your question.Afterwhich, home sweet home and slept throughout the day.
You've kidnapped my heart.And now, i plead you to return it back to me.I see no future in this. Neither do i think it'd go far.Every move we took was a mistake.An innocent mistake i shall name it.Be back to square one, i know we could.And definitely would.I miss those time,the time when we used to joke around.Called each other name.Disturbing one another.Everything was free and easy.Need no looking right and left,for if there were any paparazi behind.But, im gonna miss this awkward moment between us more in the near future,i believe.Thanks for everything, to you.I shall breathe in hard, and EXHALE, let go.Once again, the sun shall set, goodbye.(
More photos with Jeya and Loksang)

14th June 2009Various kind of thoughts have been running through my mind for the past few days. I never felt this kind of trauma before throughout this 18 years of my life. Trauma? Well according to the dictionary, it is an emotional wound or shock often having long-lasting effects. True enough, i'm having that kind of issues.
P/S: Sunset was in once in my vein. But you rose it up and presented me with a sunrise. Even so, the light was too splendour that i couldnt help myself to close my eyes and remain in that darkness.I wish the light you possessed would shine through me one day. May this lasts till eternity (:Done with it.
Supposedly, there should be an outing for the E1/E2 people. Unfortunately due to some problems, it was posponed to another day. Hopefully the next time round, everything would go on well. Thus, instead the GFs went out together having a day of our own. Awesome!
While I was on my way to meet Dee at Pasiris inter, i bumped into Dzariff. Been aeons since i met that smiley guy, hahas! Had a quick chat with him before we bid each other goodbye. Hey you, we shall all meet up soon alright! Hehs! Somehow, I'm missing the boys larhh!!
Well, even though my relationship with hilmi has terminated, that dosen't mean the friendship i acquired from his friends should also be put an end. Hell no! hahs.
Speaking of which, Azeez's birthday is in a few days time! Happy Advance 21st birthday MRazeez! Rindu kamu banyak-banyak. =DD
Back to where i was, met up with Dee and i instantly hugged her tight! Been a while since i last gave a peck on her cheek! Hahas! Ok, if hilmi-mimi were to read this, he's gonna throw tantrums at me once more. Grr! That guy ehh, can never see me happy with dee! Haiyo! LOL! haha. Talking about Dee, sometimes i wonder who is the ROMEO and who is the JULIET. She used to be a perfect romeo a juliet can ever found. However, for some reasons, it seems that i have to take that very position despite me being the JULIET. Therefore, now, a Romeo task is what i'm currrently engaging myself in. Graaah!
From Pasir ris inter, we took the train down to Dhoby Ghaut and met up with Elfyee at Plaza Singapura's entrance. Gosh! You can never imagine how excited we became the moment we saw each other. Haha. As usual, we'd make a whole lot of commotion that people would give us that endless stare. Hehs! Had our lunch together at LJ before we headed Cathay for our afternoon movie; ''DRAG ME TO HELL''
That movie was superb! Horror yet AMUSING to us! Lol! Each time when the revulsion scene appear, the three of us would hold one-third of Elfyee's sweater and cover part of our eyes with it. Then, when we were appalled by the horifying creature, instead of YELLING out loud, we LAUGHED TILL OUR LAST TEARS! And the bestest thing was, being only trios, we boisterously sounded like tripple of us. LOLs!
By then, it was already becoming dusk. Camwhored and made our way home. Happy moments! (:
ps: GFs, sometimes i wonder what is life without you girls. I can never imagine myself being all apart and seeing myself a stranger to both of you. Relationships, they come and go. Yes, it definitely a sweet moments having a bf by the side. But compared to you girls, the friendship we have acquired since ages ago, is something unexchangeable. I can never convert them to any other matter, never. Age increasing, more dramas in life, different people we encounter but the bond in us, the love we share, the friendship we took on will never be replaced. Always and forever it will be etched not only in the mind but also in the heart. Till eternity, my loves! (: