I've been tagged by my DARLING GIRFRIEND. That very sweeetheart of mine! Gosh, now i'm missing her! When's our next meeting, dearest? (=
p/s: sayang, definitely there'll be an outing for the express malay girls yea! Insya'allah! Catch up soon. Miss you all, manymany lor! Hehe (:Before that,
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO MY ZAHARA BTE SULAIMAN! May all the happiness be with you always. And all the best in you future endeavours. Miss you much! Lets hang out someday with the rest, aite? (((:
Rules must be followed:Each blogger must post this rules.
Each blogger must start with ten random facts about themselves.
Bloggers that are tagged need to write about their own blog, ten things and post this rules.
Don't forget to leave them comments telling them they have been tagged and are to read your blog.
10 Random Facts about me.1) I've done this before, in my previous previous post, hahaa (lame!)
2) I'm FULL of surprises! haha so Beware! hehs! =b
3) I donno how to entertain people, so i usually tend to ignore or block them, except those whom i wish to entertain and get the attention from, dots!
4) I tend to hallucinate in my own dreamy world, sometimes. The reason why i couldnt seem to walk straight at times, hoho
5) I'm a fast walker, who loves to walk! Just love being kanchiong! =]
6) I love to sweat and get the heart to beat and pump rapidly! =D
7) I'm not that into MRT. Busses are much preferable, giving me the opportunity to appreciate the scenery and the environment, hehs (:
8) I simply love being at home!
9) I do things with passion at heart. So if i've no interest on something, i'll say goodbye! Unfortunately, in life, not all things are gonna go my way. Have to imply the give-and-take attitude then (:
10) I'm a book-aholic! Especially William Shakspere's novels. Simply appreciate his authentic way of language used (:
1. Who's the person that tagged you??My Darling Sweetheart, Elfyee (:
2. Relationship between you & her??Shes my beloved Girlfriend, whom I cherish LOADS! =)
3. Three impressions of her??Loving
- Someone who cares for others' well being.Sweet
- Someone who prefers to do/say something which are all from the bottom of her heart.Thoughtful
- Always think of others first, even if that would put herself at risk.4. If she becomes your enemy, you will??Never. But if that day does happen, then it simply means that the world has been poisoned by hatreds. (LOL!)
5. What will you say to the person you like very much??I'll beat around the bush. And for the rest, I shall totally hand them to the other party. It's their wish to do whatever they like. Not gonna make the first move though, hoho!
6. Characteristic I like about myself??I do things passionately. So if i say 'i love'. means I REALLY love.
7. Characteristic I hate about myself??
Unfortunately if i've no interest on something, dont bother wait for me. Cause adieu shall be in the name of it all.
8. For the person whom you hate, you say??Insya'allah, i shall undo the hatreds and spread the love instead (:
Well, i shall just keep mum about it and try to resolve it myself.
9. What do people feel about you??Well, someone out there says i'm endearing. Wait, it's my CLUMSINESS that seems to be endearing actually. LOL! *winks!
10. Your crush??Uhmmm...
You know, I know, We know! (:
11. Pass this to 10 people:
1) Jiwangster
2) Ida
3) Dzariff
4) Ilma
5) Azeez
6) Liyana
7) Rafi
8) Casper
9) Helmi
10) Serene
12. If 5 & 7 were together??Azeez and Rafi? Hehehe! No comments! haha (:
Seriously, no comments! But that would make a cute couple though, hehehe!
But, i'm afraid Jiwangster will get a seared in his heart, seeing both of his loves get together, LOL!
*oops! No offence, play play only ar! No joke no fun right?* ;)
13. Who does 5 like??
Wooo! I'm not sure myself. Perhaps he's still cant get over the past. Maybe? Do update me yea, MRazeez! Outing 1st Feb ehh? ;)
14. What colour does 9 like??
Hmmm.. Always see him in black or white. Maybe. Not sure. =)
15. Say something bout 8??Uhmm.. ahem! She's someone i find
so special in my eyes. Someone who'll get me blush all over. And someone whom i see
sincerity i

n her heart from her eyes (: That's
Annisa! My very
true friend, Casper (:
16. Who is 2??Ida! My bf's god-sister. A very nice person to talk to and a very down to earth girl, hee
I like you very much la, can? hehe lol! =D
17. Talk about 3.
Dzariff, a very sweet guy with full of craziness inside, haha! BF's bestfriend. Someone who will always be there when you need someone to talk to. And someone whom ive not seen for quite sometime too, haha!
18. Who is 10's best friend??All i knew is, IM HER BESTFRIEND! hehehe.
Serene! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I MISSED YOU? beeen two years since we met! GOSH, im so gonna blog about you one day lar darling, with all our pictures all over the entry! MEET UP SOON PLEASE! i badly need to see you!!!! Been a while since we hugged yea, girlfriend? hmph! hahaha!
19. Who's the sexiest among all 10??Sexiest yea? All seem sexy to my eyes. You know, everyone has their own uniqueness? Thats the reason to why they're sexy to me! You people are really sexy in your very own way (:
20. What colour does 4 like??Hmmm.. But she looks admiringly good in Blue. (: SERIOUS!
There was a time when you took pictures with your honeyboo, with your blue top. And you looked so really good in it ;)
21. Is 4 single??Gosh, if only she's single. HAHAHA
(Ok ilma, you know i know we know we have the thing for each other yea? HAHA LOL) Well, neahh! shes taken! Haruda's property :)
22. Your relationship with 1??My very special companion, the love of my life. MY boyfriend :)
Hopefully gonna be my man too in times to come, in the near future, insya'allah (:
23. Are 5 & 6 best friend??Azeez and Liyana? Hmm..
Well, i supposed they ever heard of each other before but don think they're friends.
But who knows, one day might be? hehs! ;)
24. 9's surname??I doubt he has one. A malay he is, by the way (:
25. 7's nickname??Hmmm... since he's yet to have one, i shall call him Rafff Rafffff! LOL!
26. Say something to 8.Casper? Uhmm.. You know, i'll not be back to morning shift till this very day, so yeah, just so you know, i'm gonna miss you much. Remember to msg me if the missing presence is unbearable, hehs (: Take care yea! EAT WELL, REST WELL! (: And ohh, one last thing,
keep on running! Cos i simply love the feeling :)
27. Say something to help 9.
Helmi? Are you in need of help? What kind of help? Aight, I shall help you out!
Give me a holla and you'll get help! Well, that's a form of help too, yea? Haha ;P
28. Who do I admire??I admire anyone who has a kind heart and a beautiful soul. (:
29. Where does 1 live??Pasir Ris (:
30. 10 of them know who you like??Nope, I supposed only three knew about it. Perhaps, Jiwangster, Rafi and Azeez. Cause i remembered telling them that, hehs! (:
31. Say something to 6 when you see her.
Liyana? haha, i shall say...
''Hello! We bumped into each other again! But it has been a while though! Kinda missed you, hehs'' And then, i shall bring out the unexpected thing that has happened some days before. which was about the message thingy. So freaky yet so cute. Eh Li? I wonder what happens if we both were to receive some private messages from others? LOL! That will be like, wooo, haha! ;)
32. 10's spouse??
Hmmm... She has never update me about that before! Hmph! But for sure, to me, SHES MINE! lol! hehe
*serene, you better read this! and we better book each other one of these days! I'm dying to meet you! Haiya! ;)