At night, alone i curled on bed,
flashing through those instants in my head,
sorrows gripped, for repentance i seek,
tears dropped, leaving still the sins behind,
for pardons i prayed, for the things ive done,
may peace be upon me in the time to come...I was in my parents room when i had a small talk with both ayah and ibu, regarding teenagers these days. Ayah then told me something. Something really crippled me with fear.
''mula-mula memang kene paksa. lama2, insya'allah dengan sendirinya kita akan redha. sesiapa yang tidak mengikut perintah Allah, neraka lah baginya''Paralysed with fear, i went mum, reminiscing those days when i profoundly felt fear of god.
I was just 8 then, having a party in my class at that point of time. I asked Razemir for the nuggets he brought from home. He then pointed at the table with various kind of food. I then scanned for his nuggets and instantly gobbled them up the minute i saw it. Later on, to my utter dismay, i was told that his nuggets were place at the far end of the table, and not in the middle. Worst, i heard that the nuggets i ate may not be halal. Seized with unbearable fears and sins, i begged for forgiveness from god every now and then right after that incident, like as though my life was about to be taken away soon.
Now, i am 17, almost to 18. Knowing what is right and wrong, still, i always forgo those terms and do everything i feel like it without considering its consequences. I was so different compared to whom i was, when i was still a kid. Thinking of this, can really make break me into tears. Well, all in all, i hope, my eyes have now finally opened to welcome my new set of journey to be
well continued. Insya'allah.
Anw.. Since many have been bugging me for the Raya pictures, i finally have the time to post them up here. So yup, here goes....
The maternal side at my house.

The paternal side at neneksyg's house (=

Abah, my beloved grandad (:

With fahmi, kak siti and siskaseh (:

Candid in my room =)

Despite being the spoiler, abang ical still look adorable, lol!

Mugging during Aidilfitri's festival, haha =D

Inspite of seeing each other only once a year, they still rmbr us vividly, aww! =D

My adorable Aqil! Surprisingly, he kept silence when pictured with
only me, haha

Kekasih hati ku! (=

Multi-colours, bajucolour-cial harmony, LOL!

Yellow King&Queen (:
''when are we gonna use the WHITE together, darling? haha''
Daniel, the charming kid, aww! =)
& Hilmi cant seem to get his eyes off him, haha!

Sweet & lovely couples in bus 66, certainly (=

In my house, without MRbf :(

In Hilmi's (mimi) house without Haruda.

In Tini's house! (:
&oh, i was filled with joy on that day, esp the time nearing and during dusk.
Dee saw it. &somehow, i cant stop her from seeing
through me. 
Both guys raya-ing at my house, with my cooking dished out on the table =D

Bee hoon goreng, thumbs up from MRbf, haha yay! (=

Love the picture despite me having no eyes. Thanks eh Hyrul! haha

Hyrul, the Tom. Kaseh the Jerry? haha Lol!

Asmaradana.. Lol! (=

The '
arts' from the art student, MRbf (=
More pictures coming up soon in the photo album! (=